Sunday, October 31, 2010

Donkey and his load

    A trader, led his donkey to pass through a shallow river. So far they have gone through the river without ever experiencing a single accident, but this time, his donkey slipped and fell when they were right in the middle river. When traders finally managed to bring his donkey along with its cargo into the river safely, most of the salt that was published by the donkey has melted and dissolved into the water stream. Feel happy that its cargo has been reduced so that the load was taken into a lighter, the donkey was so excited when they resume their journey.
    The next day, the traders came back with a cargo of salt. The Donkey who remembers her experience yesterday when slipping in the middle of the river, deliberately let himself slip down into the water, and finally he could reduce the burden back that way.
    Traders who feel angry, then bring his donkey back into the market, where donkeys are the baskets muati with a very large and contains a sponge. When they arrived back in the middle of the river, the donkey returned deliberately flopped, but at the time the merchant took him to the edge of the river, the donkey became very uncomfortable because they have to be forced to drag himself to come home with a load that is ten times more severe than previously a result of publishing a sponge absorbs water.
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7 Craws

    Previously, there was a man who had seven sons, and men haven't had a daughter who long coveted. Over time, his wife finally gave birth to a daughter. The man was very excited, but a new-born daughter was very small and often sickly. A physician told the man to take on an existing water wells and bathing her daughter, a sickly with water from the well for the child to obtain blessings and good health. The father then told one of his sons to take water from the wells. Six other boys wanted to go to fetch water and each boy was very eager to get the water first because of his affection towards younger women only. When they arrived at the well and all trying to fill the jar given to them, pitcher fell into the well. The seven boys are just quiet and did not know what to do to take a pitcher who fell, and none of them dared to go off home.Her father is waiting at home finally lost patience and said, "They must have forgotten because to play, bad boy!" Fearing that her daughter grew ill, he then shouted angrily, "I hope my son all turned into a crow." When word came out of his mouth, he heard the fluttering wings of flying in the air, the father went out and saw seven black crows birds flew away. The father became very sorry for the curse words out and do not know how to undo the curse. But despite losing seven of their son, the father and mother still get a consolation because her daughter health gradually improved and eventually the girl grows into a beautiful girl.The girl never knew that she had seven brothers because their parents never told him, until one day the girl accidentally overheard the conversation some people, "the girl is very pretty, but the girl should be blamed for the result of bad luck the seven sisters. " The girl became very upset and asked his parents about the seven brothers. Finally, his parents told him all what happened to the girl's seven brothers. The girl became very upset and determined to find the seventh brother secretly. He did not bring anything except a small ring of her parents, a bread for hunger and a little water to withstand thirst.The girl walked on, continue to the end of the world. He went to the sun, but the sun is too hot, and he later met the moon, but the moon is too cold, then she met the stars were friendly to him. When the dawn star appeared, the star gave him a chicken bone and say, "You must use this bone as a key to open the mountain made of glass, there you will be able to find your brothers.The girl then took the bones are, store them carefully in his clothes and went to the mountain is in sight by morning star. When he had arrived at the mountain, he realized that the bones to unlock the gates of the mountain had disappeared. Because he hopes to help the seventh brother, the girl and then took a knife, cut kelinkingnya finger and placed it in front of the gate. The door was then opened and the girl can enter into, where a dwarf to him and asked him, "Son, what are you looking for?" "I'm looking for seven brothers, seven crows," replied the girl. The dwarf and said, "My lord has not come home, if you want to see him, please come in and you can wait here." Then the dwarf was preparing lunch on a small plate for the seventh seven brothers of the girl who has become a crow.Because the hungry, the girl took and ate little food available on each plate and drank a little from each of the small glass. But in the last glass, she dropped the ring of her parents who brought with him.Suddenly he heard the fluttering wings of a bird in the air, and it was a runt that said, "Now my lord has come." When the seventh will begin to eat crow, they realized that someone had eaten a little food from their plates. "Who has been eating my food, and drank my drink?" said one of them. When the last crow drink from his glass, a ring into her mouth and when the bird noticed the ring, the crow said, "Blessed are you, dear sister we may have here, this is the time we could get rid of the curse." The girl who stood behind the door to hear what they say, eventually came forward and at the same instant, the seven crows turn back into humans. They eventually hugged each other and go home together to their home happy. Source URL:
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The Ants and Gransshopper

    During the day in late autumn, a family of ants who have worked hard all summer to gather food, to dry the grains of wheat that they had collected during the summer. It was a grasshopper that hunger, with a violin in his hand came and begged for a family of ants that provide little food for themselves."What!" cried the Ants in surprise, "do not you have been collecting and preparing food for the winter this coming? So far, what are you doing all summer?""I do not have time to gather food," complained the Grasshopper; "I am very busy making songs, and before I realized, the summer is already gone."Ants are then shrugged his shoulders because they feel upset."Making a song you say ?" said the Ant, "Okay, now that the song you have completed in the summer, it is time you dance!"Then the ants are turned over and continue their work regardless of the grasshopper again.
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The Crow and a pitcher

    On a very dry season, where the birds very difficult to get a little water to drink, a crow finds a pitcher containing a little water.But that the pitcher is a pitcher that high with a narrow neck jars. After all crows are trying to trying to drink water that is in the jug, he still can't reach it. The crow was almost feeling desperate and feel will die of thirst.
    Then suddenly an idea came to him. He then took the gravel next to pitcher, then drop it into the pitcher one by one. Every time a crow that include gravel into the pitcher, the water level in the pitcher was gradually rising and getting higher until it ultimately can be achieved by the crow.
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The Dog and His Shadow

    A dog gets a bone of a person, ran back to his house as quickly as possible with pleasure. When he passed a very small bridge, she looked down and saw his shadow reflected from the water under the bridge. This greedy dog that thinks he's seen another dog carrying a bone that is bigger than hers.if he stopped to think, he would know that it's just his shadow.But the dog didn't think anything and instead dropped the bone he was carrying and jumped into a river. Greedy dog is finally with difficulty swam to the riverbank. When he arrived safely at the edge of the river, he just stood pensive and sad because they carry instead of bone is lost, he later regretted what happened and realize how stupid he was. Source URL:
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    Two of the goats run with gallant from the opposite direction on a steep mountain, then by chance they simultaneously arrive at each edge of the cliff that the water flowing beneath the river is very swift. A tree that falls, has been used as a bridge to cross the gap.The tree is used as the bridge is very small so it can’t be passed simultaneously by two-tailed squirrel safely, let alone by two goats.The bridge is very small it will make the most courageous people will be frightened. But the goat didn’t feel frightened. A sense of pride and dignity they do not allow them to give in and give way first to the other goats.
    As one of the goat set foot into the bridge, the other goat was not budge and also set foot into the bridge. 
    Eventually the two met in the middle of the bridge. Both still won’t budge and instead encourage each other with their horns so that the two goats are finally falling into the abyss and were swept by a very swift flow of water underneath.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kamus pertanyaan

    Tahukah Kamu ?

    Mengapa Bisa Terjadi Petir?  

    Petir terjadi akibat perpindahan muatan negatif menuju ke muatan positif. Menurut batasan fisika, petir adalah lompatan bunga api raksasa antara dua massa dengan medan listrik berbeda. Prinsip dasarnya kira-kira sama dengan lompatan api pada busi.

    Petir adalah hasil pelepasan muatan listrik di awan. Energi dari pelepasan itu begitu besarnya sehingga menimbulkan rentetan cahaya, panas, dan bunyi yang sangat kuat yaitu geluduk, guntur, atau halilintar. Geluduk, guntur, atau halilintar ini dapat menghancurkan bangunan, membunuh manusia, dan memusnahkan pohon. Sedemikian raksasanya sampai-sampai ketika petir itu melesat, tubuh awan akan terang dibuatnya, sebagai akibat udara yang terbelah, sambarannya yang rata-rata memiliki kecepatan 150.000 km/detik itu juga akan menimbulkan bunyi yang menggelegar.

    Mengapa Tubuh Kita Gemetar pada Saat Cuaca Dingin?  
    Tubuh manusia tidak dapat mengtoleransi suhu yang terlalu rendah maupun terlalu tinggi. Seseorang yang berada di luar ruangan dengan temperatur udara di bawah minus 29oC tanpa mengenakan pakaian yang cukup tebal akan beku dan berakhir pada kematian karena tubuhnya kehilangan panas. Temperatur tubuh normal adalah 37oC, dan ketika temperatur udara lebih rendah dari temperatur tubuh, panas akan mengalir dari tubuh kita. Pada temperatur udara sedang (berkisar antara 15-20oC), tubuh kita tidak terlalu bermasalah, bahkan sesungguhnya temperatur udara sedang sangat dibutuhkan karena tubuh kita memproduksi panas berlebih dari yang kita butuhkan dan harus dilepas sebagian. Suatu kondisi di mana temperatur udara sangat rendah sehingga tubuh melepas terlalu banyak panas sehingga temperatur tubuh turun disebut dengan hypothermia. Penurunan panas tubuh badan antara 1oC hingga 2oC mengakibatkan tubuh gemetar, yang merupakan salah satu usaha tubuh kita untuk menaikkan temperatur tubuh melalui gerakan dari sendi-sendi otot. Penurunan yang lebih drastis lagi mengakibatkan kehilangan kesadaran dan bahkan kematian.
    Kebalikan dari kondisi di atas disebut dengan hiperthermia. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh tingginya udara di luar maupun faktor dari dalam tubuh kita sendiri yaitu ketika seseorang menderita demam.

    Kenapa HP Disebut Telepon Seluler?  
    HP (handphone) atau biasa disebut ponsel (telepon seluler) bekerja dengan mengandalkan sinyal yang dipancarkan dari sebuah pemancar dengan frekuensi tertentu. Untuk membagi-bagi daerah agar terdapat frekuensi yang merata pada daerah tersebut maka sebuah daerah atau kota dibagi menjadi seperti sebuah irisan yang digambarkan sebagai irisan berbentuk hexagonal atau disebut dengan sel (cell). Masing-masing sel tersebut dapat mempunyai frekuensi sebanyak 800 dan mempunyai cakupan kisaran sekitar 26 kilometer bujur sangkar. Masing-masing sel mempunyai suatu menara dan suatu bangunan kecil yang berisi peralatan. Saat kita sedang berjalan dengan mengendarai kendaraan, sinyal akan dipancarkan dari sel ke sel oleh suatu tower atau menara dari tiap sel tersebut.

    Gelas termasuk benda padat, tetapi mengapa gelas terlihat bening?  
    Molekul dari benda padat biasanya saling mengikat dengan rapat, karena itu umumnya sinar tidak dapat menembus benda padat. Pada cairan dan gas, molekul-molekul bergerak bebas dan memiliki banyak ruang kosong diantara molekulnya. Itulah sebabnya sinar dengan mudah menembus material seperti gas dan air. Gelas dibuat dengan cara melebur pasir dan mendinginkannya kembali. Bahan yang terbentuk akhirnya menjadi padat dan kaku, tetapi masih memiliki molekul yang bebas bergerak seperti sifat molekul pada cairan, sehingga ruang kosong diantara molekul gelas tersebut bisa dilewati oleh cahaya, walaupun gelas adalah benda padat.

    Berapa banyak tulang yang kita miliki?  
    Anak bayi yang baru lahir memiliki 270 tulang. Beberapa tulang akan bergabung menjadi satu saat kita mulai dewasa dan saat itu, tulang yang dimiliki oleh orang dewasa menjadi 206. Pada bagian pusat, terdapat 74 tulang, termasuk 26 tulang punggung, 22 pada bagian tengkorak dan 25 pada bagian-bagian yang disebut rusuk. Tangan dan kaki memiliki 126 tulang, 62 di kaki dan 64 di tangan. Telinga kita sendiri juga memiliki 6 buah tulang.

    Bagaimana pelangi terbentuk?  
    Pelangi terbentuk karena pembiasan sinar matahari oleh tetesan air yang ada di atmosfir. Ketika sinar matahari melalui tetesan air, cahaya tersebut dibengkokkan sedemikian rupa sehingga membuat warna-warna yang ada pada cahaya tersebut terpisah. Tiap warna dibelokkan pada sudut yang berbeda, dan warna merah adalah warna yang paling terakhir dibengkokkan, sedangkan ungu adalah yang paling pertama. Fenomena ini yang kita lihat sebagai pelangi.

    Mengapa pesawat terbang yang jauh diatas terlihat lambat bergerak  
    Ketika kita melihat sesuatu yang bergerak, yang patut kita sadari adalah perubahan sudut pandang dari mata kita terhadap obyek yang bergerak tersebut. Obyek yang berada dekat sekali dengan kita, walaupun bergerak tidak terlalu cepat, akan membuat kita memutarkan kepala hanya untuk melihat kemana obyek itu sekarang berada.
    Ketika kamu melihat sesuatu obyek yang bergerak di kejauhan, perubahan sudut pandang yang terjadi tidak sebesar apabila obyek itu ada di dekat kita sehingga kita merasa bahwa obyek tersebut bergerak lambat, seperti pada pesawat yang sedang terbang jauh di atas kita.
    Contoh lainnya adalah bulan. Bulan bergerak mengelilingi bumi dengan kecepatan rata-rata 1.022 Km/jam, tetapi karena jarak antara kita dengan bulan yang jauh, bulan kelihatan tidak bergerak sama sekali, karena kita hampir tidak merasakan perubahan sudut pandang.

    Mengapa langit berwarna biru?  
    Atmosfir bumi mengandung molekul gas kecil dan partikel (butiran) debu. Sinar matahari yang memasuki atmosfir tersebut bertemu dengan molekul gas dan partikel debu tadi. Warna sinar yang memiliki gelombang sinar lebih panjang seperti merah dan kuning, dapat melewati dan menembus molekul gas dan debu tadi. Tetapi warna biru yang memiliki gelombang sinar lebih pendek dipantulkan kembali ke atas atmosfir. Itulah mengapa langit terlihat berwarna biru. Prinsip yang sama berlaku juga dengan air di laut atau danau yang terlihat berwarna biru.

    Bagaimana terjadinya awan?  
    Panas dari matahari akan menyebabkan air dilaut, sungai dan danau menguap. Uap air yang hangat tersebut akan bergerak naik keatas, dan saat uap tersebut naik, uap air mulai menjadi dingin. Hasilnya, uap air tersebut mulai berkondensasi membentuk kembali butiran-butiran air. Kumpulan dari butiran-butiran air dilangit tersebut yang kita kenal sebagai awan. Butiran-butiran air yang makin lama makin membesar akhirnya akan jatuh kembali ke bumi sebagai hujan. Kadangkala, suhu udara yang terlalu dingin membuat butiran-butiran air tersebut membeku membentuk es dan jatuh kembali ke bumi sebagai salju.

    Mengapa Kita Mengantuk Sesudah Makan Siang?  
    Jam-jam setelah makan siang, biasanya adalah masa-masa yang paling susah dilewati. Walaupun malam sebelumnya kita sudah cukup tidur, tetap saja kita merasa mengantuk. Ada dua hal yang menyebabkan kita merasa ingin tidur siang

    1. L-Tryptophan
    L-Tryptophan adalah asam amino yang menjadi bahan dasar terbentuknya niacin, vitamin B. Niacin sendiri akan dipakai untuk membuat serotonin, zat penghantar sinyal di otak yang dapat menimbulkan perasaan nyaman dan menyebabkan kita jatuh tertidur.

    Makanan yang kaya karbohidrat seperti nasi, akan merangsang pankreas untuk memproduksi insulin, yang akan menyimpan makanan dalam tubuh. Beberapa asam amino lain yang tadinya terkandung di dalam darah bersama-sama dengan L-Tryptophan, akan masuk ke dalam sel otot. Akibatnya, akan terjadi peningkatan pada konsentrasi relatif L-Tryptophan dalam darah dan serotonin yang terbentuk membuat kita mengantuk.

    2. Proses pencernaan makanan
    Tubuh akan mengirimkan darah ke sistem pencernaan karena proses pencernaan membutuhkan energi yang cukup besar, apalagi kalau makanan yang perlu dicerna mengandung banyak lemak. Energi yang diperlukan juga akan semakin bertambah besar seiring dengan semakin banyaknya makanan yang kita konsumsi. Pada saat ini, sistem saraf juga menyumbangkan sebagian stok darahnya dan sebagai akibatnya, sistem saraf akan mengalami kekurangan oksigen untuk sementara. Menurunnya efektivitas kerja saraf pada saat sistem pencernaan bekerja inilah yang juga membuat kita ingin tidur siang.

    Punya pertanyaan Unik dan Ribet ?
    bertanya lebih lanjut di BAGI INFO
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A milkmaid and her bucket

    A milkmaid was milking the cows and walking home back from the ranch, with a bucket of milk she upheld on her head. As she walked home, she thinks and plans ahead dangle.

    "I Dairy Milk is very good quality," she thought to comfort myself, "will give me a lot of cream to be made. I will make a lot of butter cream and sell it to the market, and with the money I have later on, I'll buy a lot of eggs and it will hatch , It looks very beautiful when the eggs have hatched and my field would be filled with young chickens are healthy. At one point, I would sell it, and I got  money I would buy beautiful clothes for use to the party. All the handsome young man would look at me. They will come and try to seduce me, but I will look for youth who have just good business! "When she was thinking plans that she felt very clever, she nodded his head proudly, and without realizing it, a bucket that was in his head fall to the ground, and all the milk has been milked to flow spilled to the ground, with it gone all fancy-angannya about butter, eggs, chicken, new clothes with pride.
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The Princess and the Pea

    Once upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He travelled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.

    One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it.

    It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.

    Well, we'll soon find that out, thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses.

    On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept.

    "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!"

    Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.

    Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.

    So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.
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The Gingerbread Man

    Once upon a time, an old woman and her husband lived alone in a little old house. The couple had no children, and being lonely, the woman decided to make a boy of gingerbread. She carefully mixed the batter, rolled out the dough, and cut out out a very nice gingerbread man. She added sugar icing for his hair, mouth, and clothes, and she used candy chips for buttons and eyes. What a fine looking gingerbread man he was! The old woman put him in the oven to bake. After he was fully done, she slowly opened the oven door. Up jumped the gingerbread man, and he ran out the door saying,
    "Run, run, as fast as you can!
    You can't catch me!
    I'm the Gingerbread Man!"
    The old woman and the old man ran after him, but they could not catch him.

    And so the Gingerbread Man ran and ran. While he running, he met a cow.
    "Moo," said the cow. "You look very fine! Fine enough to eat!" And the cow started to chase to little man.
    But the Gingerbread Man ran faster, saying,
    "I ran away from an old woman,
    I ran away from an old man,
    And I can run away from you!
    I can!"

    And he laughed,
    "Run, run, as fast as you can!
    You can't catch me!
    I'm the Gingerbread Man!"
    The cow ran after the Gingerbread Man, but she could not catch him.

    The Gingerbread Man kept running, and soon he met a horse.
    "Neigh," said the horse, "You look mighty tasty. I think that I would like to eat you."
    "But you can't!" said the Gingerbread Man.
    "I ran away from an old woman,
    I ran away from an old man,
    I ran away from a cow,
    And I can run away from you!
    I can!"

    And so he ran singing,
    "Run, run, as fast as you can!
    You can't catch me!
    I'm the Gingerbread Man!"
    The horse ran after the Gingerbread Man, but he could not catch him.

    The Gingerbread Man ran and ran, laughing and singing. While he ran, he met a chicken.
    "Cackle, cackle," said the chicken, "You look fine enough to peck for dinner. I'm going to eat you, Mr. Gingerbread Man."
    But the Gingerbread Man just laughed.
    "I ran away from an old woman,
    I ran away from an old man,
    I ran away from a cow,
    I ran away from a horse,
    And I can run away from you!
    I can!"

    And so he ran singing,
    "Run, run, as fast as you can!
    You can't catch me!
    I'm the Gingerbread Man!"
    The chicken ran after the Gingerbread Man, but she could not catch him.

    The Gingerbread Man was proud that he could run so fast.
    "Nobody can catch me," he thought. So he kept on running until he met a fox.
    He just had to tell the fox how he ran faster than all the others.

    "Mr. Fox," he said,
    "As tasty as I appear to be,
    I cannot let you catch and eat me.
    I ran away from an old woman,
    I ran away from an old man,
    I ran away from a cow,
    I ran away from a horse,
    I ran away from a chicken,
    And I can run away from you!
    I can!"
    But Mr. Fox did not seem to care.

    "Why would I want to bother you?" asked Mr. Fox. "You don't even look that tasty. No, young man, I don't want to eat you at all."
    The Gingerbread Man was so relieved.

    "Well, indeed, Mr. Fox," said the Gingerbread Man. "If you don't mind, I think I'll take a little rest here." And the Gingerbread Man stopped running and stood still.
    And right when he stood still. Snap! went Mr. Fox's jaws right into the Gingerbread Man until he was gone.
    "He was very tasty after all," thought the fox.
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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Boo at the LA Zoo

    When:  Saturday & Sunday, October 30 & 31

    Have your kids dress up and go trick or treating at the ZOO!

    Creepy Creature Encounter - Winnick Family Children’s Zoo

    Get up close to spiders, bugs and snakes at the Creepy Creature Encounter.

    Dance and sing along with children’s Halloween entertainers in the Adventure Theater.

    Terrell & Takako Variety Show  Saturday & Sunday - 11:00 & 1:30

    Jim Gamble’s Witches Brew Puppet Show  Saturday & Sunday - 12:00 & 2:30

    Trick-or-treat through a ghostly graveyard to learn about extinct animals that now live “Down Under”

    Watch as animals Stomp ‘n Chomp pumpkins
    11:00 Black Bear
              Giant Otters

    12:00 Red River Hogs
    2:00 Harbor Seals

    3:00 Anoa

    All activities are free to GLAZA members or with paid Zoo admission!

    For more information  click hereSource URL:
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Old Pasadena Halloween Celebration

    Old Pasadena Halloween Celebration

    Bring your little ghosts and goblins to Old Pasadena’s Free Halloween Celebration on both Saturday and Sunday! Have a fun and safe Halloween in Old Pasadena and at One Colorado. Come join us for a frightfully good time with activities throughout Old Pasadena.

    Saturday, October 30
    Central Park, 260 S. Raymond Avenue
    • Kids pumpkin hunt 1:00-2:00pm
    • Halloween moon bounces 1:00-5:00pm
    • Live ghoulish music 1:00-5:00pm
    • Armory Center for the Arts Halloween craft center 1:00-5:00pm
    • Scary animal and bug show and tell 1:00-5:00pm
    • Free caramel apples to the first 200 people and much more! 1:00-5:00pm

    Sunday, October 31
    Old Pasadena & One Colorado
    • Free store-to-store trick or treating 4:00-9:00pm
    • Free haunted photos at One Colorado Courtyard 5:00-9:00pm
    • Meet and greet with favorite Halloween characters 4:00-9:00pm
    • Free screening of Halloween cartoons at One Colorado Courtyard 5:00-9:00pm
    • Kid-friendly tour of the Old Town Haunt 12:00-4:00pm

    SAT 1-5pm & SUN 12-9pm

    For more information  click hereSource URL:
    Visit demi lovato 2011 for daily updated Demi Lovato Gallery
Monday, October 25, 2010

This's my idol in the Indonesian music scene

    Sherina Munaf dan Vidi Aldiano
    Yeah, merekalah idola saya. Suara yang merdu, lagu yang pas, dan iramanya juga yang membuat hati tenang. Semua orang pasti tak asing lagi mendengar nama kedua insan muda ini.

    Vidi Aldiano
    Vidi Aldiano (lahir di Jakarta, 29 Maret 1990; umur 20 tahun; terlahir dengan nama Oxavia Aldiano) adalah seorang penyanyi Indonesia. Vidi telah mengeluarkan album yang berjudul Pelangi di Malam Hari dan Lelaki Pilihan. Vidi juga pernah mengikuti festival Java Jazz 2005. Vidi juga membawakan beberapa lagu daur ulang berjudul Cinta Jangan Kau Pergi yang pernah dipopulerkan oleh Sheila Madjid dan Nuansa Bening yang dipopulerkan oleh Keenan Nasution. Vidi Aldiano dipercaya oleh bapak Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono untuk membawakan lagu ciptaan pak SBY yang berjudul Jiwaku Terang Di Malam Itu . Vidi Aldiano juga memiliki fans club bernama VIDIES . fansclub ini memiliki anggota lebih dari 1000 orang di seluruh Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore dan juga Brunei serta beberapa orang Indonesia yang tersebar luas di negara negara lain seperti Australia, Arab Saudi, dll. Vidi Aldiano sangat mengapresiasikan semua yang dilakukan VIDIES untuknya.

    Mahir Bermain Piano Sejak Usia 3 Tahun, laki-laki bertinggi berat 178 cm / 65 kg ini dibesarkan dalam keluarga yang mempunyai apresiasi tinggi akan musik. Melalui bimbingan ibunya yang merupakan guru piano, Vidi sudah mengenal tuts piano sejak umur 3 tahun. Di usia 2,5 tahun, ia sudah meraih juara kedua menyanyi untuk tingkat kanak-kanak. Jadilah semenjak di sekolah dasar Vidi diandalkan sebagai duta kesenian sekolah.
    Beranjak remaja, Vidi jatuh hati dengan biola dan serius menekuni alat musik tersebut. Saat duduk di SMU, Vidi mulai tergabung dalamband. Prestasinya di band ditunjukkannya dengan meraih juara pertama dalam 1ncredible Band Festival 2007. Prestasinya sebagai penyanyi solo pun tak kalah membanggakan.
    Karier keartisan Vidi berawal ketika sang ayah, Harry Kiss, seorang pemilik usaha event organizer terkenal menyadari bakat terpendam anaknya dan menawarkan album demo kepada teman-temannya pemilik perusahan rekaman. Sayangnya, album demo tersebut ditolak karena tren penyanyi solo pria tidak populer saat itu. Setelah enam kali mengalami penolakan dari perusahaan rekaman, akhirnya pada tahun 2009 produser musik Lala Hamid tergerak untuk memproduseri single Vidi setelah terpukau akan penampilan Vidi dalam sebuah kesempatan.

    Sherina Munaf
    Sinna Sherina Munaf (lahir di Bandung, Jawa Barat, 11 Juni 1990; umur 20 tahun) adalah penyanyi Indonesia yang mulai tenar di tahun 1999. Sherina merupakan anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara pasangan Triawan Munaf dan Luki Ariani. Sherina merupakan lulusan dari British International School. Hobinya adalah menyanyi dan melukis. Nama Fans clubnya ialah SFC (Sherina Fans Club)

    Sherina muncul pertama kali pada tahun 1999 dengan album Andai Aku Besar Nanti. Ia membawakan lagu-lagu gubahan Elfa Secioria. Sherina pertama kali muncul di layar lebar pada 2001 melalui 'Petualangan Sherina' bersama Derby Romero dan Butet Kertaradjasa. Selain itu, Sherina bersama beberapa rekannya, seperti Maisy, Saskia, Geofanny, Joshua, dan Kenny bermain dalam Operet Bobo berjudul Misteri Naga Ungu.
    Sherina pernah tampil di panggung bersama Westlife, grup band asal Inggris, menyanyikan lagu 'I Have A Dream'

    2007: Primadona
    Di awal tahun 2007, Sherina (di usia 16 tahun) merilis album barunya yang bertajuk "Primadona". Keponakan dari penyanyi senior Indonesia,Fariz Rustam Munaf, ini muncul dengan jenis lagu yang sangat berbeda dari sewaktu ia masih kecil. Pada tahun ini juga, Sherina ditunjuk sebagai ikon Panasonic menggantikan Dian Sastrowardoyo.
    Pada tahun 2008, selain membuat lagu untuk film 'Laskar Pelangi' dan 'Ayat-ayat Cinta', Sherina ditunjuk sebagai ikon Grand Indonesia Shopping Town.
    Tahun 2009, Sherina meluncurkan album dewasanya yang kedua bertitel 'Gemini'. Album ini berisikan lagu-lagu yang diciptakan sendiri. Di Album Gemini Sherina menjagokan lagu Cinta Pertama dan Terakhir. Singel kedua yang dibuat bertajuk Geregetan yang merupakan lagu ciptaan ayahnya!

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